500+ Opposite Words in English A to Z

500+ Opposite Words in English A to Z||English Grammar Opposite words list for students || Opposite Words for Kids || Most Common and Important Synonyms 

500+ Opposite Words in English A to Z||English Grammar Opposite words list for students || Opposite Words for Kids || Most Common and Important Synonyms

500+ Opposite Words in English A to Z|

Opposite Words || Synonyms :

alive - dead 

all - none 

allow - forbid 

already - not yet 

always - never 

ancient - modern 

angel - devil 

animal - human

annoy - satisfy 

answer - ask 

answer - question 

apart - together 

artificial - natural 

ascent - descent 

ask - answer 

asleep - awake 

attack - defend 

attack - defence 

attic - cellar 

autumn - spring 

awake - asleep 

awful - nice 

500+ Opposite Words in English A to Z||English Grammar Opposite words list for students || Opposite Words for Kids || Most Common and Important Synonyms 

back - in front of 

backward - forward

bad - good 

bottom - top 

boy - girl 

brave - cowardly 

break - fix 

broad - narrow 

background - foreground

bad luck - fortune 

beauty - ugliness 

before - after 

begin - end 

beginning - end 

behind - in front of 

below - above 

best - worst 

better - worse 

beautiful - ugly 

big - small 

birth - death 

bitter - sweet 

black - white 

blunt - sharp

body - soul 

bore - amuse 

boring - exciting 

borrow - lend 

bottom - top 

boy - girl 

brave - cowardly 

break - fix 

broad - narrow 

brother - sister 

build - destroy 

busy - lazy 

buy - sell

500+ Opposite Words in English A to Z||English Grammar Opposite words list for students || Opposite Words for Kids || Most Common and Important Synonyms 

calm - excited 

careful - careless 

catch - miss 

centre - outskirts 

certainly - probably 

changeable - constant

cheap - expensive 

child - adult 

children - parents 

clean - dirty 

clear - cloudy 

clever - stupid 

closed - open 

cloudy - clear 

cold - hot 

cold - heat 

come - go 


complicated - simple 

compliment - insult 

compulsory - voluntary

closed - open 

ceiling - floor 

cellar - attic 

certainly - probably 

close - open 

cloudy - clear 

connect - separate 

consonant - vowel 

constant - changeable 

construction - destruction 

continue - interrupt 

cool - warm 

correct - wrong 

courage - fear 

courageous - cowardly 

cowardly - brave 

create - destroy 

cruel - human 

cry - whisper 

cry - laugh

careless - careful

500+ Opposite Words in English A to Z||English Grammar Opposite words list for students || Opposite Words for Kids || Most Common and Important Synonyms 

death - birth 

deep - shallow 

damage - repair 

danger - security 

dangerous - safe 

daughter - son 

dawn - dusk 

dead - alive 

defeat - victory 

defence - attack 

defend - attack 

delicious - awful 

deny - admit 

depart - arrive 

departure - arrival 

descendant - ancestor 

descent - ascent 

desperate - hopeful 

destroy - build 

destruction - construction 

devil - angel 

dictatorship - republic

die - live 

different - alike 

difficult - easy 

dirty - clean 

disease - health 

distant - near 

divide - unite 

division - unity 

divorce - marry 

divorce - marriage 

divorced - married 

domestic - foreign 

down - up 

downstairs - upstairs 

drama - comedy 

dry - humid 

dull - interesting 

dusk - dawn









500+ Opposite Words in English A to Z||English Grammar Opposite words list for students || Opposite Words for Kids || Most Common and Important Synonyms 

empty - full 

end - begin 

end - beginning 

ending - beginning 

enemy - friend

500+ Opposite Words in English A to Z||English Grammar Opposite words list for students || Opposite Words for Kids || Most Common and Important Synonyms 

forget - remember 

form - destroy 

fortune - bad luck 

forward - backward 

free - arrest 

freeze - melt 

frequently - occasionally 

fresh - old/stale 

front - rear 

in front of - back 

full - empty 

funny - serious 

future - past

fail - succeed 

failure - success 

false - true 

far - near 

fast - slow 

fat- slim 

fear - courage 

female - male 

few - many 

final - first 

find - lose 

finish - begin 

finish - start 

first - final 

fix - break 

flat - hilly 

follow - lead 

forbid - allow 

for - against 

foreground- background 

foreign - domestic 

foreigner - native 







find- lose 







500+ Opposite Words in English A to Z||English Grammar Opposite words list for students || Opposite Words for Kids || Most Common and Important Synonyms 









500+ Opposite Words in English A to Z||English Grammar Opposite words list for students || Opposite Words for Kids || Most Common and Important Synonyms 






500+ Opposite Words in English A to Z||English Grammar Opposite words list for students || Opposite Words for Kids || Most Common and Important Synonyms 

in front of - back 

ignore - notice 

ill - healty 

immigrate - emigrate

immigration - emigration 

import - export 

in - out 

include - exclude 

increase - reduce 

innocent - guilty 

inside - outside 

insult - compliment 

intelligent - silly 

intentional - accidental

interested in - bore 

interesting - boring 

interrupt - continue

500+ Opposite Words in English A to Z||English Grammar Opposite words list for students || Opposite Words for Kids || Most Common and Important Synonyms 

Liquid - solid 

Lonely - crowded 

Long - short 

Loose - tight 

Lose - win 

Loser - winner 

Lost - found 

Loud - quiet 

Love - hate 

Low - high 



500+ Opposite Words in English A to Z||English Grammar Opposite words list for students || Opposite Words for Kids || Most Common and Important Synonyms 

Major - minor 

Man - woman 

Marvelous - terrible 

Mature - immature 

Maximum - minimum 

Miss - catch/ hit 

Mix - separate 

Moderate - extreme 

Moist - dry 

Moon - sun 

More - less 

Most - least 

500+ Opposite Words in English A to Z||English Grammar Opposite words list for students || Opposite Words for Kids || Most Common and Important Synonyms 

Near - distant 

Negative - affirmative 

Nephew - niece 

Never - always 

New - old 

500+ Opposite Words in English A to Z||English Grammar Opposite words list for students || Opposite Words for Kids || Most Common and Important Synonyms 

Occupied - vacant 

Odd - even 

Off - on 

500+ Opposite Words in English A to Z||English Grammar Opposite words list for students || Opposite Words for Kids || Most Common and Important Synonyms 

Patient - impatient

Pessimistic - optimistic 

Poor - wealthy 

Present - past

Presence - absence  

Private - public 

500+ Opposite Words in English A to Z||English Grammar Opposite words list for students || Opposite Words for Kids || Most Common and Important Synonyms 

Sadness - happiness 

Safe - dangerous 

Safety - danger 

Sad - happy 

Same - different 

Satisfaction - regret 

Satisfy - annoy 

Selfish - generous

Save - spend 

Slim - fat

Short - tall   

Small - big 

Soft - hard 

Sour - sweet 

Slow - fast

Spend - earn 

Start - stop 

Stay - leave 

Started - finished 

Stiff - flexible 

Stop - go 

Straight - crooked/curly 

Strength - weakness 

Student - teacher

Strong - weak  

Sturdy - weak 

Sunny - cloudy 

Superb - inferior 





500+ Opposite Words in English A to Z||English Grammar Opposite words list for students || Opposite Words for Kids || Most Common and Important Synonyms 

Talkative - taciturn 

Tame - wild

Teach - learn 

Temporary - permanent 

There - here 

Thick - thin 

Thin - fat 

Thin - thick 

Tidy - messy

Timid - bold 

together - apart 

Tough - easy 

Toward - away 

Tragic - comic 

Transparent - opaque 

Triumph - defeat 

True - false 





500+ Opposite Words in English A to Z||English Grammar Opposite words list for students || Opposite Words for Kids || Most Common and Important Synonyms 

ugly - beautiful 

useful - useless 

unique - popular 







500+ Opposite Words in English A to Z||English Grammar Opposite words list for students || Opposite Words for Kids || Most Common and Important Synonyms 

Vacant - occupied 

Valley - mountain 

Vertical - horizontal 

Victory - defeat 


500+ Opposite Words in English A to Z||English Grammar Opposite words list for students || Opposite Words for Kids || Most Common and Important Synonyms 


Weak - strong 

White - black 

Whole - part 

Wide - narrow 

Winter - summer 

Work – rest 






500+ Opposite Words in English A to Z||English Grammar Opposite words list for students || Opposite Words for Kids || Most Common and Important Synonyms 

Yes - no 

Yesterday - tomorrow 

Young - old

500+ Opposite Words in English A to Z||English Grammar Opposite words list for students || Opposite Words for Kids || Most Common and Important Synonyms 


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