Varman Dynasty of Ancient Assam

Varman Dynasty of Ancient Assam

Assam History || Who was the founder of Varman dynasty || Who was the last ruler of Varman dynasty || Who was Balavarman? Who was Bhutivarman || A brief study on Ancient Assam History || Varman dynasty for APSC Exam and Other Competitive Exams of Asaam || Varman Dynasty of Ancient Assam

Assam History || Who was the founder of Varman dynasty || Who was the last ruler of Varman dynasty || Who was Balavarman? Who was Bhutivarman || A brief study on Ancient Assam History || Varman dynasty for APSC Exam and Other Competitive Exams of Asaam || Varman Dynasty of Ancient Assam

Varman dynasty (350-650) in Ancient Assam History:

Mostly famous Ancient Varman dynasty Assam Ruler of Kamrupa Kingdom mainly Pushyavarman, the founder of Varman dynasty and Bhaskarvarman, the last king of Varman dynasty

Varman dynasty was the first historical dynasty of the Kamrupa kingdom. It existed between 3rd Century to 7th A.D. It is collaborated from mainly two archeological sources-

1. Allahabad Pillar inscription of Samudra Gupta, also known as Prayag Prashasti

2. Nidhanpur copper plate inscription of Bhaskar Varman

The historical proof of Varman dynasty is also collaborated from Kalika Purana and later days Assamese literature. According to Allahabad Pillar inscription of Samudra Gupta or Prayag Prashasti, the ruler of Kamrupa was mentioned as frontier ruler of the Great Gupta Emperor. Varman dynasty was established by Pushyavarman who was a contemporary of Samudra Gupta.

Assam History || Who was the founder of Varman dynasty || Who was the last ruler of Varman dynasty || Who was Balavarman? Who was Bhutivarman || A brief study on Ancient Assam History || Varman dynasty for APSC Exam and Other Competitive Exams of Asaam || Varman Dynasty of Ancient Assam

Rulers of Varman dynasty-

Varman dynasty-Pushyavarman (350-374 A.D.)

Varman dynasty-Samudravarman (374-398 A.D.)

Varman dynasty-Balavarman (398- 422 A.D.)

Varman dynasty-Kalyanavarman (422- 446 A.D.)

Varman dynasty-Ganapativarman (446- 470 A.D.)

Varman dynasty-Mahendravarman (470- 494 A.D.)

Varman dynasty-Narayanvarman (494- 518 A.D.)

Varman dynasty-Bhutivarman (518- 542 A.D.)

Varman dynasty-Chandramukhavarman (542- 566 A.D.)

Varman dynasty-Sthitavarman (566- 590 A.D)

Varman dynasty-Susthitavarman (590- 595 A.D.)

Varman dynasty- Supratisthitavarman (595- 600 A.D.)

Varman dynasty-Bhaskarvarman (600- 650 A.D.)

Assam History || Who was the founder of Varman dynasty || Who was the last ruler of Varman dynasty || Who was Balavarman? Who was Bhutivarman || A brief study on Ancient Assam History || Varman dynasty for APSC Exam and Other Competitive Exams of Asaam || Varman Dynasty of Ancient Assam

Varman dynasty-Pushyavarman (350-374 A.D.)- The founder of Varman dynasty:

Pushyavarman, who was the founder of Varman dynasty. Varman dynasty was the first historical dynasty of the Kamrupa Kindom in Eastern India. Pushyavarman established the Varman dynasty in 350 A.D. Pushyavarman was ruled in Kamrupa Kindom from 350-374 A.D. Pushyavarman maintained the cultural, political and diplomatic relations with other states at that time as like Samudra Gupta, the ruler of The Great Gupta Empire. During the reign of Pushyavarman, Vedic culture was flourished over his country. The name of his son was Samudravarman who married Datta Devi. Pushyavarman was also known as”Maharajadhiraja”

Assam History || Who was the founder of Varman dynasty || Who was the last ruler of Varman dynasty || Who was Balavarman? Who was Bhutivarman || A brief study on Ancient Assam History || Varman dynasty for APSC Exam and Other Competitive Exams of Asaam || Varman Dynasty of Ancient Assam

Varman dynasty-Samudravarman (374-398 A.D):

Samudravarman was son of Pushyavarman. Samudravarman ruled in Kamrupa Kingdom from 374-398 A.D. His wife’s name was Datta Devi and their son was Balavarman. It is inferred that, samudravarman might have been put on throne and Gupta armies campaigning in kamrup. It is also inferred that the title Samudra varman may confined on him as an influence of victorious army of Guptas.

Assam History || Who was the founder of Varman dynasty || Who was the last ruler of Varman dynasty || Who was Balavarman? Who was Bhutivarman || A brief study on Ancient Assam History || Varman dynasty for APSC Exam and Other Competitive Exams of Asaam || Varman Dynasty of Ancient Assam

Varman dynasty-Balavarman (398- 422A.D.):

Balavarman was successor and son of Samudravarman. He ruled from 398- 422 A.D. in Kamrupa’s Kingdom. Balavarman’s soldiers were always on front against enemies. Balavarman fought wars with Samudra Gupta in spite of friendship.

Ratnavati was wife of Balavarman and their son was Kalyanvarman and name of their daughter was Amritprabha. Balavarman arranged Svayambar for his daughter- Amritprabha. She accepted prince of Kashmir Meghavahana (ruler of Kashmir) as her groom, through this, Kamrupa’s early contact with Kashmir. Amritprabha was accompanied by a Tibetan Buddhist monk Stupa. He erected a stupa in Kashmir. Amritprabha also erected in Kashmir a lofty vihara for the benefits of the foreign monks known as Amritbhawan.

Assam History || Who was the founder of Varman dynasty || Who was the last ruler of Varman dynasty || Who was Balavarman? Who was Bhutivarman || A brief study on Ancient Assam History || Varman dynasty for APSC Exam and Other Competitive Exams of Asaam || Varman Dynasty of Ancient Assam

Varman dynasty-Kalyanavarman (422- 446 A.D.):

Kalyanvarman was successor and son of Balavarman. Kalyanvarman was ruled from 422-446 A.D. in Kamrupa’s kingdom in Eastern India. Kalyanvarman married Gandharvavati and their son was Ganaptivarman. Dring the reign of Kalyanvarman, Davaka kingdom of Kapili Valley was annexed to the kamrupa Kingdom. A diplomatic mission was sent to china during his time.

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Varman dynasty-Ganapativarman (446- 470 A.D.)

Ganapativarman was ruled from 446- 470 A.D. in Kamrupa Kingdom of eastern India. Ganapativarman was successor and son of Kalyanvarman . Ganapativarman married Yajnavati and name of their son was Mahendravarman.

Assam History || Who was the founder of Varman dynasty || Who was the last ruler of Varman dynasty || Who was Balavarman? Who was Bhutivarman || A brief study on Ancient Assam History || Varman dynasty for APSC Exam and Other Competitive Exams of Asaam || Varman Dynasty of Ancient Assam

Varman dynasty- Mahendravarman (470- 494 A.D.)

Mahendravarman was son of Ganapativarman and Yajnavati. He ruled from 470- 494 A.D. in Kamrupa Kingdom. Mahendravarman performed two horses sacrifices and threw off the imperial yoke. It is said that Mahendravarman mastered his self and worked towards the stability of the World. During the rule of Kumara Gupta, Bengal and Pundravardhan were under the Guptas. But after the Kumara Gupta, the power of Gupta empire started to decline. It was perhaps towards the end of the reign of Skandagupta that Mahendravarman shook off the last vestiges of Gupta influence and then annexed Pundravardhana to the Varman Empire. Mahendravarman was the first Kamrupa Ruler to perform Aswamedha yajna (horse sacrifice ceremony). Mahendravarman married Suvrata and the name of their son was Narayanvarman.

Assam History || Who was the founder of Varman dynasty || Who was the last ruler of Varman dynasty || Who was Balavarman? Who was Bhutivarman || A brief study on Ancient Assam History || Varman dynasty for APSC Exam and Other Competitive Exams of Asaam || Varman Dynasty of Ancient Assam

Varman dynasty-Narayanvarman (494- 518 A.D.)

Narayanvarman was successor and son of Mahendravarman that he ruled in Kamrupa Kingdom for the period of 494- 518 A.D. Narayanvarman married Devavati and the name of their son was Bhutivarman.

Assam History || Who was the founder of Varman dynasty || Who was the last ruler of Varman dynasty || Who was Balavarman? Who was Bhutivarman || A brief study on Ancient Assam History || Varman dynasty for APSC Exam and Other Competitive Exams of Asaam || Varman Dynasty of Ancient Assam

Varman dynasty- Bhutivarman (518- 542 A.D.)

Bhutivarman was son of Narayanvarman and Devavati that he ruled in Kamrupa Kingdom of eastern India for the period of 518- 542 A.D. Bhutivarman was also known as Mahabhutavarman. Bhutivarman was a powerful ruler during his reign. Territorial expansion in the west begun by Mahendravarman (grandfather of Bhutivarman) was further enhanced by his grandson Bhutivarman. Bhutivarman conquered lands in Pundravardhana to the west of the trisrota and donated lands to more than 200 families of Brahamns in the Pundravardhana Bhakti. Bhutivarman married Vijnanavati and the name of their son was Chandramukhavarman.

Assam History || Who was the founder of Varman dynasty || Who was the last ruler of Varman dynasty || Who was Balavarman? Who was Bhutivarman || A brief study on Ancient Assam History || Varman dynasty for APSC Exam and Other Competitive Exams of Asaam || Varman Dynasty of Ancient Assam

Varman dynasty- Chandramukhavarman (542- 566 A.D.)

Chandramukhavarman ruled in Kamrupa Kingdom of Eastern India for the period of 542- 566 A.D. Chandramukhavarman married Bhogavati and the name of their son was Sthitavarman.

Assam History || Who was the founder of Varman dynasty || Who was the last ruler of Varman dynasty || Who was Balavarman? Who was Bhutivarman || A brief study on Ancient Assam History || Varman dynasty for APSC Exam and Other Competitive Exams of Asaam || Varman Dynasty of Ancient Assam

Varman dynasty- Sthitavarman (566- 590 A.D)

Sthitavarman ruled in kamrupa kingdom for a period of 566- 590 A.D. Sthitavarman married Nayanadevi and the name of their son was Susthitavarman.

Assam History || Who was the founder of Varman dynasty || Who was the last ruler of Varman dynasty || Who was Balavarman? Who was Bhutivarman || A brief study on Ancient Assam History || Varman dynasty for APSC Exam and Other Competitive Exams of Asaam || Varman Dynasty of Ancient Assam

Varman dynasty- Susthitavarman

Susthitavarman ruled in Kamrupa kingdom for a period of 590- 595 A.D. He was son of Sthitavarman and Nayanadevi. Susthitavarman was renowned as Sri Mriganka. They had two sons-

1. Supratisthitavarma

2. Bhaskarvarman

Assam History || Who was the founder of Varman dynasty || Who was the last ruler of Varman dynasty || Who was Balavarman? Who was Bhutivarman || A brief study on Ancient Assam History || Varman dynasty for APSC Exam and Other Competitive Exams of Asaam || Varman Dynasty of Ancient Assam

Varman dynasty- Supratisthitavarman (595- 600 A.D.)

Supratisthitavarman ruled kamrupa kingdom for a period of 595- 600 A.D. He introduced many reforms during his reign but Supratisthitavarman not able to reign for long time and died. He succeeded by his brother Bhaskarvarman.

Assam History || Who was the founder of Varman dynasty || Who was the last ruler of Varman dynasty || Who was Balavarman? Who was Bhutivarman || A brief study on Ancient Assam History || Varman dynasty for APSC Exam and Other Competitive Exams of Asaam || Varman Dynasty of Ancient Assam

Varman dynasty- Bhaskarvarman (600- 650 A.D.)- The last king of Varman dynasty

Bhaskarvarman came to power after his brother’s death (Supratisthitavarman). Bhaskarvarman was the last ruler of Varman dynasty that he ruled in Kamrupa Kingdom for a period of 600- 650 A.D. Bhaskar Varman was the last and the most illustrious of the Varman dynasty rulers of the Kamrupa Kingdom. During his reign he was able to reestablished the rule of the Varmans by killing Sasanka and capturing Gauda region. Bhaskarvarman sent his ambassador Hamsavega to Harshvardhan seeking alliance against their common army. Bhaskar varman made political alliance with Harshvardhana of Thaneswar (Pushyabhuti dynasty) against the alliance of the Gauda (Sasanka, ruler of Gauda) and Malwa ( Devagupta, ruler of Malwa). Bhaskarvarman was a worshiper of “Shiva”.

 Bhaskarvarman issued the Dubi and Nidhanpur Copper plate grants , reissued after his ancestor Bhutivarman. 


Assam History || Who was the founder of Varman dynasty || Who was the last ruler of Varman dynasty || Who was Balavarman? Who was Bhutivarman || A brief study on Ancient Assam History || Varman dynasty for APSC Exam and Other Competitive Exams of Asaam || Varman Dynasty of Ancient Assam


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