GK on Forest, Wildlife, Environment

GK on Forest, Wildlife, Environment

Some Important Question and their Answer GK General Knowledge on Forest, Wildlife, Environment for All kind of  Competitive examination APSC State Exam Assam 

1Q. Where are tailless cats found?

Answer: Mane Island

2Q. Which tree's leaves are not similar to each other? 

Answer: Daiver Siffolia (Star Kulia Atta) 

3Q. Which animal's milk is the best balanced per litre ? 

Answer: The Porpoise. 

4Q. Which Indian King or empiror was fond of watching birds and animals and of growing new plants and trees? 

Answer: Jahangir 

5Q. Which Indian state is the largest supplier of fire wood to cities? 

Answer: Madhya Pradesh. 

6Q. Which is the largest tiger reserve in India ? 

Answer: Nagarjuna Sagar. 

7Q. Which is the tallest living animal ? 

Answer: Giraffe. 

8Q. Which is the largest land animal ? 

Answer: The African Bush Elephant. 

9Q. Which animal has the longest horns of any living animal ? 

Answer: The Water Buffalo. 

10Q. Which country has the world's richest diversity of birds?

Answer: Colombia. 

11Q. Which animal never drinks water? 

Answer: The Koala of Australia. 

12Q. Which is wingless bird ? 

Answer: Kuwi Bird. 

13Q. Which bird walks like man? 

Answer: Penguin. 

14Q. Which birds make their nest with sand, clay and sock? 

Answer: Magapode Bird (Australia). 

15Q. Who is known as 'Bird Man of India'? 

Answer: Salim Ali. 

16Q. Which is the largest animal in the world? 

Answer: Sibbald's Rorqual 

17Q. Which is the largest bird alive? 

Answer: The Ostrich. 

18Q. Which animal's milk has the highest amount of sugar in grams per litre ? 

Answer: The elephant 

19Q. Which animal's milk has the highest amount of fat in grams per litre ? 

Answer: The Cow.

20Q. Which is the largest animal without backbone?

Answer: The Giant Squid. 

21Q. Which is the longest living animal recorded? 

Answer: The Galapagos Tortoise.

22Q. Which bird makes the largest nest?

Answer: The Bald Eagle. 

23Q. Which is considered the smallest animal in the world? 

Answer: The Zorilla.

24Q. Which is the largest reptile in the world? 

Answer: The Estuarine Crocodile. 

25Q. Which is the longest venomous snake in the world? 

Answer: The King Cobra. 

26Q. Which is the longest of all snakes in the world? 

Answer: The Reticulated Python. 

27Q. Which Indian King passed a law forbidding the feeling of fruit bearing trees for building ships because it adversely affected the peasantly? 

Answer: Shivaji. 

28Q. Where was first micro hydel electric plant set up in India ? 

Answer: Darjeeling. 

29Q. Which is the shortest snake in the world? 

Answer: The Thread Snake. 

30Q. Which tree's fruits give light? 

Answer: Bangilchu tree (Philippines Islands). 

31Q. Which tree eats insect? 

Answer: Sundew tree.

32Q. What is the state Bird of Punjab ? 

Answer: The Eastern Goshawk.

33Q. What is the national bird of India ? 

Answer: Peacock. 

34Q. Which bird lays the largest eggs in relation to its own size? 

Answer: The common Kiwi. 

35Q. Which is the largest domesticated bird ? 

Answer: The Domestic Turkey. 

36Q. Which is the world's smallest butterfly ? 

Answer: The Dwarf Blue. 

37Q. Which bird has the longest features ? 

Answer: The Long Tailed Fowl. 

38Q. Which Snake has the longest fangs? 

Answer: The Gaboon Viper. 

39Q. Which is the fatest moving land snake in the world? 

Answer: The Black Mamba. 

40Q. What is the national animal of India? 

Answer: Royal Bengal Tiger. 

41Q. What is the state animal of Assam?

Answer: Rhino. 

42Q. Where is the 'Go Away' bird found? 

Answer: Central Africa. 

43Q. Which birds are known as flying jweels? Thousands of them were killed in the early past of 20th century and their feathers used for woman's ornaments. 

Answer: Humming bird. 

44Q. Which is the most poisonous animal ever recorded? 

Answer: The Kokoi Arrow Poison Frog. 

45Q. Which is the slowest moving marine fish?

Answer: The Indo-Pacific Sea Horse. 

46Q. Which is the fastest fish? 

Answer: The Sail fish. 

47Q. Which is the largest known fly in the world? 

Answer: The Robber fly. 

48Q. Which is the largest lizand in the world? 

Answer: The Komodo Dragon.

49Q. Which is the most venomous spider in the world? 

Answer: The Black Widow spider. 

50Q. Which is the largest lived insect? 

Answer: The Queen Termite. 

GK on Forest, Wildlife, Environment Some Important Question and their Answer GK General Knowledge on Forest, Wildlife, Environment for All kind of Competitive examination APSC State Exam Assam 

51Q. Which is the most destructive insect in the world? 

Answer: The Desert Locust. 

52Q. Which is the largest living bird? 

Answer: The European Eagle owl. 

53Q. Which is the most poisonous fish in the world? 

Answer: Japanese Puffer fish. 

54Q. Which city had a school for dancing horses and what was it called? 

Answer: Vienna Lipizzaner. 

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