Simple Descriptive Short Essay for Kid

Simple Descriptive Short Essay for Kid 

Descriptive Essay for Students and Childrens||Simple Essay Writing Practices for Kid within 500 words

Simple Descriptive Short Essay for Kid  Descriptive Essay for Students and Childrens||Simple Essay Writing Practices for Kid within 500 words
Simple Descriptive Short Essay for Kid 



Size and appearance :

The cat is a small domestic animal. It has a round head, a wide mouth, a bushy tail and two bright eyes. It has sharp teeth and claws. The body of the cat is long. Its body is covered with soft fur. It has a soft pad under each paw. So it can move quickly and noiselessly. It can see in the dark. Its lips have whiskers. Cats are of different sizes and colours. Cats belong to tiger's family. 

Where found :

The cat is found in almost all the countries of the world. Wild cats are found in some jungles. Some cats are very beautiful to look at. 

Food :

The cat eats rice, flesh and fish. It is very fond of milk. It kills mice, pigeons and little birds. It sits near us at the time of our dinner and eats up whatever we give it. 

Habits :

The cat, sleeps at warm fireside of the house. The cat is a thief by habit. It steals eatable things from the kitchen. It mews when it is hungry. The cat is a good hunter. It lies in wait for its prey and jumps on it. The cat can climb up trees. A she-cat bears three to four kittens at a time. The cat is gentle and playful. It likes to sit on our laps. 

Usefulness :

The cat is of great use to us. It kills mice and rats in our houses. Children are fond of cats.




Size and appearance :

The tiger is a ferocious wild beast. The tiger is like a cat. It has a round head, two large and bright eyes. Its teeth and claws are very strong and sharp. It has two short ears. Like the cat, it has a soft pad under each of its paws. Its four legs are very strong. It is of yellowish-brown colour. There are black stripes on its body. It has a long tail. It has whiskers like those of the cat. A big grown-up tiger is about ten to twelve feet long. Tigers are of many kinds. The tiger is a handsome animal. 

Where found :

The tiger is found largely in Asia. It is also found in large numbers in the forests of Assam, West Bengal and other parts of India. The world famous 'Royal Bengal Tiger' lives at Sundarban areas of West Bengal. 


The tiger sleeps in the day-time and comes out in search of food at night. Like the cat, it is a very good hunter. It preys on sheep, goats, deer, cows and buffaloes. Sometimes it kills a man. The tiger is called the beast of prey. The tiger is a cruel animal. The tigress bears two to four cubs at a time. The tiger can swim well. It is very difficult for hunters to kill a tiger.

Food :

The tiger lives on flesh. It is very fond of blood. It kills animals and eats their flesh. 

Usefulness :

The skin of the tiger is valuable. Rugs and cushions can be made from it. The tiger is used in circus to show tricks. 




Size and appearance :

The rhinoceros is a wild animal. It has four short and strong legs. It has a fat body and a short tail. Its head is large and eyes are small. It has two ears. It is grey in colour. Its skin is thick and hard. Its upper lip is longer than its lower lip. Its hoofs are divided into three parts. It has a horn on its head. 

Where found :

The rhinoceros is found in the forest of India, Java and Africa. It is also found in the forest of Assam. Kaziranga is famous for the one-horned rhinoceros. 

Food :

The rhinoceros lives on grass, herbs, roots and leaves of trees. 

Habits & nature:

The rhinoceros likes to be in muddy pools. The mother rhinoceros is ferocious. She kills men with her horns.

Usefulness :

The rhinoceros is useful to man. Formerly men made shields from its skin. Its horn is valuable. Men make boxes, handles of swords, cups, pots and some other valuable things from its horn. Its urine is a good medicine for some diseases. The rhinoceros is the symbol of our state government.




Size and appearance :

The lion is the king of beasts. It is so called because its appearance is noble and majestic. It is a very strong and brave animal. It has a big round head. It has flowing manes on its head and neck. Its waist is slim. Its body is covered with grey hair. The lion has two bright eyes. Its teeth are very sharp. It has a long tail with a tuft of hair at the end. Its legs are very strong. It has paws under his feet. Its claws are sharp. A big lion is about five feet high and eight feet long. 

Where found :

Lions are found in the dense forests of India, Africa and Arabia. Africa is the main home-land of the lion. 

Food :

The lion lives on flesh. It kills animals and eats their flesh.

Habits : 

The lion sleeps in its den in day-time and comes out to hunt at night. It never kills an animal when it is not hungry. It is said that it does not kill weak and small animals. The lion roars loudly when it is hungry. It roars like a thunder. The lioness bears two to four cubs at a time. The lion attacks its prey only once. If it fails to seize its prey, it does not try to catch it again. It does not eat the flesh of animals killed by others. The lion is a rare animal. It is sometimes used by the circus party 




Size and appearance :

The goat is a small domestic animal. Its neck and legs are short. Its hoofs are cloven. The goat has a short tail, two small horns. Its ears are long. There is thick hair on its body. The tongue of the goat is long. Its teeth are sharp. The goat has beard under the chin. 

Where found :

There are goats in all countries of the world. Goats are of various sizes and colours.

Food :

The goat lives on grass, shrub, rice and many other things. It can eat grass quickly. It is very fond of soft leaves of plants and trees. 

Hàbits :

The goat is a harmless animal. It is a very meek animal. It can climb up rocks and hill-side. The she- goat bears two to four kids at a time. Kids are very beautiful to look at. They jump about and play. 

Usefulness :

The goat is very useful to man. We eat its meat. The she-goat gives us milk. It is a good food. Various things, such as shoes, bags etc. are made from the hide of the goat. Its horns are also used for knife handles. 




Size and appearance :

The deer is a wild beast. It lives in forest. Its body is covered with soft hair. Its neck is long. It has two large horns with branches. Its legs are slender and hoofs are cloven. The deer has a very short tail. 

Where found :

The deer is found in India and many other countries. Many kinds of deer are found in Nepal, Tibet, China and other countries. 

Food :

The deer lives on grass and leaves of trees and plants. It chews the grass like the goat. The deer eats tender leaves of plants and paddy.

Habits and nature :

The deer lives in herds. The deer does not come out from the forest in the day-time. It can run very fast. It can jump a long way. The deer runs away at the slightest sound. If the deer sees a tiger from a distance, it runs away. The deer does not harm us. 

Usefulness :

Many people eat its meat. Its skin is useful to us. Shoes are also made of its skin. Buttons, combs and other useful things are made of its horns. 




Size and appearance:

The camel is a domestic animal. Its height is from eight to nine feet. It looks ugly. There is rough brown hair on its body. Its head is small. The neck of the camel is long. Its eyes are small and ears are short. Its feet are soft and broad; so they do not sink into sand. The camel has a hump providing food for its body. It is called the ship of the desert. 

Where found :

The camel is found in Arabia, Egypt, Persia, Palestine, North Africa, Spain, Italy and other coun- tries. In India, camels are found in Rajasthan, Sind and Punjab. 

Food :

The camel lives on grass and leaves of the trees. It is very fond of prickly plants.

Habits and nature:

The camel can go through a desert for many days without food. The stomach of the camel is divided into two parts. In one of these, it stores water on the eve of a long journey through a desert. During the long journey, the hump provides food for the body. The camel is tamed easily. It can smell water from a long distance. The camel can go through the desert under the burning sun. It serves its master faithfully. The camel is a gentle and harmless animal. It can work hard. The female camel bears one young at a time. 

Usefulness :

The camel is the best friend of traders and travellers of the deserts. The camel can carry heavy loads on its back. It can walk through a vast desert. A kind of cloth is made of its fur. The female camel gives milk. The Arabs drink it. They take much care of the camel. 




Size and appearance :

The sheep is a four-footed domestic animal. It looks almost like a goat. There is thick, soft furon its body. This hair is called fleece. Its head is small. Their eyes are large. It has a short tail with a tuft of hair at the end. Its hoofs are cloven and ears are long, 

Where found :

The sheep is found in almost all the parts of the world. We can find it in large numbers in Australia, Spain and Portugal. 

Food :

The sheep lives on grass and leaves of plants and trees. 

Habits and nature :

The sheep is meek and harmless. It likes to live in a flock. 

Usefulness :

Many people of our country eat mutton, that is, the flesh of the sheep. People of other countries also eat mutton. Mutton is a good food. The sheep gives milk. Its milk is thick. Its soft hair is valuable. Men kill the sheep for two reasons. One is to eat its meat and another is to get its soft hair. Men make blankets and warm clothes from its hair. Men use its skin, horns and hoofs in many ways. 




Size and appearance :

The monkey is a wild animal. It looks like an old man in some respects. It has four legs. By nature, it walks on its legs. Its forelegs are used as its hands. Its face, eyes, hands and fingers are almost like those of a man. Its eyes are small. It has a tail. There is thick hair on its body but there is no hair on its face. Monkeys differ in size and colour. They are of different kinds also. 

Where found :

Monkeys are found in almost all hot countries of the world. 

Food :

The monkey lives on fruits, roots and leaves of trees. They are very fond of bananas and mangoes. They eats rice also. 

Habits and nature :

The monkey lives in troops in the forest. It can jump easily from one tree to another. It is a swift climber. The monkey is very clever and intelligent. It finds delight in doing mischief to others. There is great unity among the monkeys. If a monkey is in danger, others at once come to help it. 

Usefulness :

Men tame and train monkeys to play tricks. Some people earn money by showing dances and tricks of monkeys. 




Size and appearance :-

The cow is a domestic animal. She has four legs, two long horns and a long tail. Her head is long. She has two eyes and two long ears. The cow has no teeth in her upper jaw. She has four hoofs, which are split in two, at the middle. Her body is covered with soft fur. Cows are of different colours, sizes and shapes. Some are white, some are black, others are brown, red and mixed colours. The cow is generally four to five feet high. 

Food of Cow :-

The cow lives on grass, straw, paddy, rice, oil- cakes and other things. She does not chew the grass at once. She eats it up. After sometime, she brings it back to her mouth from her first stomach and chews it slowly. It is called "chewing the cud." 

Habits and Nature of Cow :-

The cow is a very gentle and harmless animal. She gives birth to one calf at a time. She loves her calf very much. 

Usefulness :-

She is very useful to us. She helps us in many ways. She gives us milk. Milk is good for health. Babies can live on it alone. We make butter, ghee, curds and many kinds of sweets from it. The male of the cow is known as the bull or the ox. The ox draws carts and ploughs our corn field. The cow-dung is a very useful manure. 

Bags, shoes, saddles and many other things are made from the hide of the cow. Buttons, combs and many other useful things are made of her horns and bones. Her hoofs are welted into glue. The cow helps us in many ways. We should take proper care of the cow.




Size and appearance :-

The horse is a four-footed animal. Its body is long and beautiful. It has a long neck, a small head, two eyes and a long bushy tail. It has no horns. The horse has a long mane on its neck. Its legs are long and ears are erect. Its hoofs are undivided. Its body is covered with short hair. Its skin is soft and glossy. Horses are of different colours and sizes. Some are brown, white, black and grey. Its height is from five to six feet. The Arabian horse is very big in size. The horses of Australia are also very big but those of Burma are small. 

Where found:-

The horse is found in almost all over the world. There are wild horses in the forests of Africa, Asia and America. 

Food of Horse:-

The horse lives on grass, straw, gram and many other things. 

Habits and nature of Horse:-

The horse can run very fast. It can work hard. The horse is gentle, faithful and intelligent. It never attacks other animals. It can carry a man on its back. It knows and loves its master very well. It can be easily tamed. 

Usefulness :-

The horse is very useful to man. It draws carts and carriages and carries loads. In some countries, horses plough the land. We ride horses and go from one place to another. Their hides, hoofs and bones are also useful to us. We should treat this useful animal kindly and take care of it. 




Size and appearance of of Buffalo:-

The buffalo is a domestic animal. It is larger than an ordinary cow. It has a big head and two long horns. Its legs are very strong. Its skin is very thick. The buffalo has rough hair all over the body. It has two eyes. Its hoofs are divided. 

Where found:-

The buffalo is found in India, Africa and America. 

Food of Buffalo:-

The buffalo lives on grass, straw and many other things. 

Habits and nature of Buffalo:-

The buffalo cannot bear the heat of the sun. It likes to pass the hot days in water and wallow. It likes to live in a herd. The buffalo attacks its enemy with its horns. 

Usefulness :-

The buffalo is also a useful animal. It draws carts and ploughs the field. She-buffalo gives us milk. She gives much more milk than a cow. Butter, ghee and many kinds of sweets are made from it. We make combs, buttons, handles of knives and many other thing from its horns. Soles of shoes are made of its hide. We should take care of the buffalo.




Size and appearance of Elephant:-

The elephant is a very large animal. It is the largest of all the land animals. It has a huge body. Its head and ears are large. It has two small eyes, a short neck, and a broad forehead. It has four legs as large as pillars. Its skin is thick and there is thin hair all over its body. It has a long trunk. It serves the animal as a nose and hand. It holds food with the trunk and puts it into the mouth. The male elephant has two long tusks. It has a tail with a thin tuft of hair at the end. It is of grey colour. A few white elephants are found in Burma. 

Where found :-

There are elephants in the forests of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Karnataka and some other parts of India. They are also found in Myanmar (Burma), Népal and Africa. 

Food of Elephant:-

The elephant lives on grass, leaves and roots of trees. It likes sugar-cane and plantain trees. It is also fond of paddy. 

Habits of Elephant:-

Wild elephants live in herds. Each herd has a leader. Wild elephants are fearful. But when tamed they are very mild and faithful. The elephant is very intelligent. It has wonderful memory. It always obeys its master. It cannot bear much heat. The female elephants give birth one calf at a time. 

Nature of Elephant:-

Wild elephants are very fierce. But when tamed by mahuts they become very mild in nature.

Usefulness :-

The elephant is very useful to man. In ancient times, the elephants were used in the battle-field. In olden days rich men used the elephants for going from one place to another. Elephants are also used by hunters in hunting tigers. The elephants can carry heavy loads. The tusk of the elephant is very valuable. The tusk is called ivory. Many valuable things are made from the tusks of the elephant 




Size and appearance of Dog:-

The dog is an important domes- tic animal. It has two ears, two bright eyes, four slender legs and a tail. Its body is long and tongue is smooth. Dogs are of different kinds, colours, sizes and shapes. Some dogs are grey, some are black and others are of mixed colours. Some dogs have long and thin legs, while others have short legs. 

Where found :-

Dogs are found everywhere in the world. 

Food and Habit :- 

The dog is very fond of flesh and bone. It also eats rice, bread and some other things. The dog can be tamed easily. The dog is a light sleeper. It has a keen sense of smell. When the dog becomes angry, it may bite man. The female dog is called a bitch. The bitch gives birth to four or five puppies at a time. 

Usefulness :- 

The dog is a great friend of man. It is very faithful to its master. At night, it guards its master's house. When a thief comes to its master's house it barks loudly. The dog is very clever. It likes its master very much. The dog is very useful to the hunters. It can easily find out a prey. Policemen sometimes take the help of dogs in detecting a criminal person. Thus, dogs can be trained to do all kinds of useful work. We must treat the dog with kindness.




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