Assam Public Service Commission, APSE CCE Political Science Question Paper, 2015 Year

Assam Public Service Commission, APSE CCE Political Science Question Paper, 2015 Year-

1. Who philosophixed about the ideal State in his work, Utopia? 
(A) Locke 
(H) Hobbes 
(C) Hegel 
(D) Sir Thomas More 

2. "Political party is an organized body with voluntary membership." Who said this? 
(A) Piner 
(B) G C Field 
(C) Maclver 
(D) Sord 

3. Seriously questioning the validity of party system, the idea of partyless democracy was projected by 
(A) Mahatma Gandhi 
(B) Jaiprakash Narayan 
(C) Mao Tse-tung 
(D) Suharto

4. Who said that Civil Service is A professional body of officials, permanent, paid and skilled? 
(A) Ogg
(B) Piner 
(C) Gladden 
(D) Max Weber 
5. The Marxist theory of development is primarily based on 
(A) dictatorship of the proletariat 
(B) withering away of the State 
(C) the theory of surplus value 
(D) the means of production 

6. Lucian Pye has described the characteristics of political development as
(A) administrative, economic and social 
(B) modern, participative and nationalistic 
(C) equality, capacity and differentiation 
(D) political unification, economic development and national welfare 

7. Gulick and Urwick coined the term 'POSDCORE' to promote how many principles of administration? 
(A) Five 
(D) Eight 

8. The Administrative Staff College of India was established in 
(A) 1957 
(B) 1958 
(C) 1959 
(D) 1960 

9. The study of the political system of a country at one time, in all its contents, is known as the 
(A)configurative approach 
(B) comparative approach 
(C) behavioural approach 
(D) structural approach 

10. The entitlement theory of property has been propounded by 
(A)John Locke 
(B) John Rawls 
(C) Nozick
(D) Rousseau

11. The concept of "Rule of Law is usually followed in a country which has 
(A) monarchy 
(B) authoritarian system 
(C) presidential system of government 
(D)democracy, both parliamentary and presidential 

12. The three most prominent exponents of social contract theory are 
(A) Austin, Bodlin and Hobbes
(B) Hobbes, Lacke and Rousseau 
(C)Maclver, Laski and Rousseau 
(D)J. S. Mill, Adam Smith and Locke 

13. A modern State is described as a/an 
(A) Police State 
(B) welfare State 
(C) laissez-faire State 
(D) authoritarian State 

14. "Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign." Who said this? 
(A) Hobbes 
(B) Laski 
(C) Mill 
(D) Bentham 

15. Fabianism made its appearance in 
(A) Germany 
(B) Belgium 
(C) Prance 
(D) England 

16. Socialism is like a hat, which has lost its shape, because everyone war. Who said this? 
(A) Carner 
(B) Mill
(C) Herbert Spencer 
(D) C.E.M. Joad 

17. I am the State." Who said this? 
(A) Hitler of Germany 
(B) Mussolini of Italy 
(C) Napoleon of France 
(D) Louis XIV of France 

18. The concept of political sovereignty is associated with 
(A) Plato 
(C) Rousseau 
(D) Austin 

19. The British monarch is a good example of
which type af sovereignty? 
(A)De facto 

20. External sovereignty means 
(A)right of the States to act without outside restriction 
(B) right of the States to apply international law 
(C) right of the States to send 
diplomatie envoys to other States 
(D) imposition of maximum restraints 

21. Who enunciated the principle of the greatest good of the greatest number? 
(A) Bentham 
(B) Churchin 

22. "Vox populi, vox dei." Who said this? 
(A) Lincoln 
(B) Barker
(C) Rousseau
(D) Locke 

23. Who enunciated the theory of socialism in one country? 
(A) Marx 
(B) Lemin 
(C) Stalin 
(D) Mao 

24. War is to man what maternity is to woman." Who said this? 
(A) Hitler 
(B) Mussolini 
(C) Stalin 
(D) Mac 

25. Which of the following has been wrongly listed as an essential attribute of democracy? 
(A)Freedom of Speech 
(B)Freedom of Religion 
(C)Equality before Law 
(D)Quality of Property

26. The bicameral legislature proposed at the Centre by the 
(A) Government of India Act, 1935 
(B) Morley-Minto Reforms Act, 1909 
(C) Montague-Chelmsford Reforms Act, 1919 
(D) Indian Councils Act, 1892 

27. Who among the following Prime Ministers did not head a minority government? 
(A) 1. K. Gujral UVEM 
(B) V. P. Singh 
(C) Chandrashekhar 
(D) Morarji Desai 

28. In India, a person can be a member of Cabinet without being a member of the Parliament for a maximum period of 
(A) six weeks 
(B) six months 
(C) one year 
(D) three months 

29. The Report of the Public Accounts 
Committee is submitted to the 
(A) Prime Minister 
(B) President 
(C) Lok Sabha 
(D) Rajya Sabha

30. To which one of the following categories does the Right to Property belong in India? 
(A) Human Rights
(B) Legal Rights 
(C) Fundamental Rights 
(D) Natural Rights 

31. Right to Freedom is guaranteed by which Article? 
(A) Article 17 
(B) Article 18 
(C) Article 19 
(D) Article 20 

32. The Lokayukta Act was first passed in 
(A) Maharashtra 
(B) Orissa 
(C) West Bengal 
(D) Karnataka 

33. Who of the following has described the Indian Constitution as quasi-federal? 
(A) K. C. Wheare 
(B) Jennings 
(C) A. C. Bannerji 
(D) Rajni Kothari

34. India borrowed the idea of Concurrent List from Constitution of 
(A) Italy
(B) the USA 
(C) Canada 
(D) Australia

35. The person associated with PIL is 
(A) Justice Venkatachaliah 
(B) Justice Bhagawati 
(C) Justice R. N. Mishra 
(D) None of them 

36. A proclamation of National Emergency must be placed before the Parliament for its approval 
(A) within one month 
(B) within two months 
(C) within six months 
(D) within one year 

37. Who presides over the Joint Session of the Union Parliament? 
(A) The President 
(B) The Vice President 
(C) The Prime Minister 
(D) The Speaker of the Lok Sabha

38. The minimum age to become the Prime Minister of India is 
(A) 18 years 
(B) 25 years 
(C) 30 years 
(D) 35 years 

39. Who was called the father of the Lok Sabha? 
(A) N. Sanjiva Reddy 
(B) G. S. Dhillon 
(C) G. V. Mavalankar 
(D) P. A. Sangma 

40. Which of the following Constitutional Amendment Acts makes the President legally bound to act according to the advice of the Union Ministry? 
(A) 25th Amendment Act 
(B) 42nd Amendment Act 
(C) 44th Amendment Act 
(D) 73rd Amendment Act 

41. The Governor is a bird in the golden cage." Who said this? 
(A) D. D. Basu 
(B) Mrs. Sarojini Naidu 
(C) Pandit Nehru 
(D) Dharam Vir

42. Which Article of the Constitution directs the State to organize Panchayati Raj? 
(A) Article 38 
(B) Article 39 
(C) Article 40 
(D) Article 41 

43. Under the Act of 1994, a Gaon Panchayat is envisaged for a group of villages whose population is 
(A) not below 6000 and not above 10000 
(B) not below 7000 and not above 11000 
(C) not below 8000 and not above 12000 
(D) not below 10000 and not above 15000 

44. Who elect the President of a Gaon Panchayat? 
(A) Members of the Gaon Panchayat 
(B) Voters of the Gaon Panchayat area 
(C) Members of the Anchalik Panchayat 
(D) Members of the Zila Parisad

45. The Assam Panchayat Act, 1994 became effective from 
(A) 5th April, 1994 
(B) 5th May, 1994 
(C) 5th June, 1994 
(D) 5th July, 1994

46. Who can confer additional functions to the UPSC? 
(A) The President of India 
(B) The Chairman, UPSC 
(C) The Parliament 
(D) The Prime Minister 

47. In which year was the 73rd Amendment Act passed? 
(A) 1990
(B) 1991 
(C) 1992 
(D) 1994 

48. In which year was the Guwahati Municipal Corporation formed? 
(A) 1969 
(B) 1972 
(C) 1974 
(D) 1975 

49. The expenses of a State Public Service Commission are charged on the
(A) Consolidated Fund of India 
(B) Consolidated Fund of the State 
(C) Contingency Fund of India 
(D) Contingency Fund of the State

50. Which Article of the Indian Constitution provides for the creation of Public Service Commissions for the Union and the States? 
(A) Article 310 
(B) Article 315 
(C) Article 320 
(D) Article 325 

51. International Day of United Nations 
Peacekeepers is observed on 
(A) 29th April 
(B) 29th May 
(C) 29th June 
(D) 29th July 

52. Which of the following decisions in the General Assembly of the United Nations requires two-thirds majority? 
(A) Peace and security 
(B) Admission of new members 
(C) Budgetary matters 
(D) All of the above 

53. The UNO adopt the Universal Declaration on Human Rights in the year 
(A) 1945 
(B) 1946 
(C) 1947 
(D) 1948

54. In which year was the UN established? 
(A) 1941 
B) 1942 
(C) 1945 
(D) 1949 

55. Which of the following is the largest 
organ of the UNO? 
(A) General Assembly 
(B) Security Council 
(C) Economic and Social Council 
(D) Secretariat 

56. Who signed the Atlantic Charter? 
(A) Roosevelt and Khrushchev 
(B) Churchill and Stalin 
(C) Roosevelt and Churchill 
(D) Truman and Khrushchev 

57. Who is the present Secretary General of the UNO? 
(A) Trygve Lie 
(B) Shashi Tharoor 
C Ban Ki-moon 
D) Kofi Annan 

58. 'Veto' in the UN Security Council is 
(A) the positive vote of all the members 
(B) the negative vote exercised by a permanent member which goes against the resolution of the Security Council 
(C) the negative vote for a neutral country 
(D) the negative vote for the Secretary- General 

59. The United Nations Charter was signed for the first time in 
(A) New York 
(B) Geneva 
(C) San Francisco 
(D) London 

60. The United Nations Organization came into existence as a result of 
(A) two World Wars 
(B) the effort to make world free from wars 
(C) a desire of the nations to have durable peace 
(D) All of the above 

61. Which of the following is correct about the UNO? 
(A) It can make laws 
(B) It can enforce laws 
(C) It can make only recommendations 
(D) It can forcefully enforce its ideas in every country

62. When was the UN Peace Building
Commission established? 
(A) January, 2003 
(B) December, 2004 
(C) December, 2005 
(D)January, 2006 

63. The UN Decade for International Law was observed during 
(A) 1980-1990 
(B) 1990-1999 
(C) 1991-2000 
(D) 2003-2013 

64. UNICEF got Nobel Peace Prize in the year 
(A) 1955 
(B) 1965 
(C) 1989 
(D) 2001 

65. Hans Blix was the head of the UN body for 
(A) peacekeeping operations in Somalia 
(B) inspecting places in Iraq for verification of WMD 
(C) working modalities for the creation of NIEO 
(D) rebuilding war-torn Afghanistan

66. Decisions of the International Court of Justice are binding force 
(A) for the parties only 
(B) for all the States of the world 
(C) for all members of the UNO 
(D) for all States that are parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice 

67. The International Maritime Organization was established in the year 
(A) 1948 
(B) 1968 
(C) 1988 
(D) 2001

68. Who is the New President of the UN General Assembly? 
(A) Mogens Lykketoft 
(B) Beno Zephine 
(C) Keith Vaz 
(D) Harriette Thompson 

69. Which one of the following is not a part of Millennium Development Goals? 
(A) Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger 
(B) Promoting gender equality 
(C) Achieving universal higher education 
(D) Ensuring economic equality among nations

70. Who is the present UN Refugee Chief? 
(A) Antonio Guterres 
(B) Carissa F. Etienne 
(C) Alexis Tsipras 
(D) None of them 

71. Which of the following districts of India wins the UN Public Service Award for Eliminating Open Defecation, 2015? 
(A) Nadia 
(B) Darjeeling 
(C) Vellore 
(D) Bhatinda

72. Which one of the following is the report that triggered the process of the UN reform? 
(A) Kofi Annan's Report, 2005 entitled, In Larger Freedom 
(B) Boutrous B. Ghali's Report, 1992 entitled, An Agenda for Peace 
(C) Amnesty International Report, 1997 entitled, Refugees : Human Rights have no Borders 
(D) Kofi Annan's Report, 2005 entitled, Investing in the UN : For a Stronger Organization World Wide

73. The United Nations Conference, well- known as Copenhagen, COP 15, dealt with the issue of 
(A) global warming 
(B) climate change 
(C) sustainable development 
(D) population explosion 

74. When was the UN General Assembly Resolution 2832 on the declaration of the Indian Ocean as a zone of peace adopted? 
(A) 1970 
(B) 1971 
(C) 1972 
(D) 1973 

75. Under which Chapter and Article does the UN Security Council consider a threat to international peace and first explore the ways por lo to settle the dispute peacefully? 
(A) Chapter VI, Article 36 
(B) Chapter VI, Article 33 
(C) Chapter VII, Article 47 
(D) Chapter VII, Article 42

76. Which one of the following is convention in the British constitutional system? 
(A) The Prime Minister must be a member of the House of Lords 
(B) Once a Speaker, always a Speaker 
(C) The Queen may ignore the advice of her ministers 
(D) The King can do wrong 

77. Which of the following marked the 
beginning of the constitutional developments in Great Britain? 
(A) Magna Carta 
(B) The Bill of Rights 
(C) The Act of Settlement 
(D) The Petition of Rights 

78. The Cabinet was for the first time 
accorded legal recognition in Britain in 
(A) 1914 
(B) 1689 
(C) 1937 
(D) 1884 

79. Any proposal for the Amendment of the US Constitution in order to be valid must be ratified by 
(A) 36 States 
(B) 37 States 
(C) 38 States 
(D) 26 States

80. The real starting point of the doctrine of Judicial Review' in the USA was the verdict given in the case of 
(A) Marbury vs. Madison 
(B) Baker vs. Carr 
(C) US vs. Belmont 
(D) Mc-Culloch vs. Maryland 

81. While trying an impeachment against the President, the US Senate is presided over by the 
(A) Vice President 
(B) Speaker of the House of Representatives 
(C) Chief Justice of the Supreme Court 
(D) seniormost Member of the Senate 

82. 'New Despotism in the context of British political system refers to the increasing power of the 
(A) Prime Minister 
(B) Parliament 
(C) Civil Service 
(D) Cabinet 

83. Filibustering refers to the practice of talking 
(A) interminably 
(B) meaningfully 
(C) intelligently 
(D) loudly

84. Who wrote Introduction to the Study of Law of the Constitution in 1885? 
(A) A. V. Dicey 
(B) Walter Bagehot 
(C) John Locke 
(D) J. S. Mill 

85. Article IV of the Constitution of the USA relates to the 
(A) President 
(B) Supreme Court 
(C) Congress 
(D) relation of the States to each other 

86. The supremacy of the House of Commons was established with the 
(A) Acts of 1911 and 1949 
(B) Act of 1941 
(C) Act of 1951 
(D) Act of 1999 

87. Who is the Presiding Officer of the House of Lords in England? 
(A) The Lord Chancellor 
(B) The Speaker 
(C) The Queen 
(D) The Seniormost Member of the House

88. "The American Senate is the strongest of all the Upper Houses in the world today." In the light of this statement, which one of the following is relevant? 
(A) All political appointments at federal level made by the President are to be approved by the Senate 
(B) Treaties signed by the President must be approved by the Senate 
(C) Powers of the House of Representatives can be curtailed by the Senate 
(D) None of the above

89. It has been opined that without them, the British Constitution is like a skeleton without blood and flesh. They are 
(A) works of eminent jurists 
(B) conventions 
(C) statues 
(D) All of the above 

90. Which one of the following is not the feature of the presidential form of government of the USA? 
(A) Direct election of the President 
(B) Fixed terms of offices for the President and Legislature 
(C) Fusion of power between Legislature and Executive 
(D) President serves as the head of the State

91. The House of Commons of England consists of 
(A) 630 elected members 
(B) 640 elected members 
(C) 645 elected members 
(D) None of the above 

92. Which one of the following Articles free of the US Constitution vests the executive powers in the President? 
(A) Article 1 SA 
(B) Article 2 
(C) Article 3 
(D) Article 4

93. The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom was established in the year 
(A) 2008 
(B) 2009 
(C) 2013 
(D) 2014 

94. In USA, who can use the 'Pocket Veto? 
(A) The Senate 
(B) The House of Representatives 
(C) The President 
(D) The Supreme Court

95. The judges of the US Supreme Court hold office 
(A) up to the age of 65 years 
(B) up to the age of 70 years 
(C) up to the age of 75 years 
(D) until death or removal by the Congress 

96. Regarding types of Bills, which one of the following is not correct in England? 
(A) Public and Private Bills 
(B) Money and non-Money Bills 
(C) Government and Private Members Bills 
(D) Political and Economic Bills 

97. The US Constitution came into force in the year 
(A) 1777 
(B) 1776 
(C) 1778 
(D) 1789 

98. The Magna Carta, the Glorious Revolution, and the writings of John Locke all contributed to Great Britain's development of 
(A) absolute monarchy 
(B) parliamentary democracy 
(C) theocracy 
(D) imperialist policies

99. One common point of agreement between India and US federalism is that 
(A) residuary powers belong to the Centre 
(B) residuary powers belong to the States 
(C) there is provision for con- current jurisdiction in certain matters 
(D) the Supreme Court is the arbiter in the event of conflict between the Centre and the States 

100. The US Constitution provides for dual citizenship for the people of the US. It means 
(A) a US citizen can claim the privileges of citizenship both inside and outside US 
(B) an American is the citizen of the USA as also of the State where he or she is domiciled 
(C) a US citizen can claim the NR status in as many countries as he or she likes 
(D) two citizenships are provided to every US national so that if one of them is kept in abeyance during an emergency, the other may come to her or his rescue and she or he may claim at least some of the basic rights

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Assam Public Service Commission, APSE CCE Political Science Question Paper, 2015 Year


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