Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar in Details

Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar for all students- SEBA AHSEC Board

Tense কাক বোলে? Tense কেইপ্ৰকাৰৰ আৰু কি কি? English grammar in Assamese- Tense in Assamese- Present Tense- Past Tense- Future Tense- present indefinite or simple present Tense- Present Continuous Tense- Present Perfect Tense- Present Perfect Continuous Tense- Past indefinite or Simple Past Tense- Past Continuous Tense- Past Perfect Tense- Past Perfect Continuous Tense- Future Indefinite or simple Future Tense- Future Continuous Tense- Future Perfect Tense- Future Perfect Continuous Tense- English Grammar Tense in Assamese Pdf- Notes- SEBA Board AHSEC Board- Class 10 Tense- Class 12 Tense
Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar explanation in Assamese for all students- SEBA AHSEC Board- Tense Exercise- Tense Practice Sessions- English Grammar Tense in Assamese Pdf- Notes- SEBA Board AHSEC Board- Class 10 Tense- Class 12 Tense

Tense কাক বোলে? Tense কেইপ্ৰকাৰৰ আৰু কি কি? English grammar in Assamese- Tense in Assamese- Present Tense- Past Tense- Future Tense- present indefinite or simple present Tense- Present Continuous Tense- Present Perfect Tense- Present Perfect Continuous Tense- Past indefinite or Simple Past Tense- Past Continuous Tense- Past Perfect Tense- Past Perfect Continuous Tense- Future Indefinite or simple Future Tense- Future Continuous Tense- Future Perfect Tense- Future Perfect Continuous Tense- English Grammar Tense in Assamese Pdf- Notes- SEBA Board AHSEC Board- Class 10 Tense- Class 12 Tense

Tense কাল

(Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar) 

ইংৰাজীত verb ৰ (ক্রিয়া) তিনিটা Tense (কাল) আছে। 

i) Present Tense - বর্তমান কাল। 

ii) Past Tense - অতীত কাল

iii) Future Tense - ভৱিষ্যতকাল

প্রতিটো Tense কে আকৌ চাৰিটা ভাগত ভাগ কৰা হয়। 

a) Indefinite 

b) Continuous 

c) Perfect 

d) Perfect continuous 

এতিয়া দেখা যায় তিনিটা Tense -ক চাৰিটাকৈ ভাগ থকা বাবে Tense -ৰ মুঠ সংখ্যা হৈছে বাৰটা। 

Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

Present Tense 

Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

I. Present Indefinite Tense 

যেতিয়া সাধাৰণ ভাবে কোনাে কাম কৰা বা হােৱা বুজায় তাকে Present indefinite Tense বােলে। এই tense ত মূল verb টোৰ present tense হয়। কিন্তু 3rd person singular number-ত verb ৰ শেষত s বা es যােগ হয়। 

Affirmative- হয় বাচক বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

I do - মই কৰাে। 

We do - আমি কৰাে। 

Interrogative প্রশ্নবােধক বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

Do you do?- তুমি কৰানে? 

Do you do? - তােমালােকে কৰানে? 

Present Indefinite tense ৰ Sentence-বােৰৰ Interrogative Sentence- Subject ৰ আগত Do Auxiliary (সহায়কাৰী) verb ৰ আশ্রয় লব লগা হয়। কিন্তু 3rd Person Singular number -ত সেইটো does হব আৰু মূল verb টোৰ কোনাে পৰিবৰ্তন নহয়। 

Negative (নেগেটিভ) – না বাচক বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত। 

He does not do - সি নকৰে। 

They do not do -সিহঁতে নকৰে। 

Present Indefinite tense ৰ নহয় বাচক sentence ৰ আগত do not বহে। 3rd person singular number ত does not বহে। মূল verb-টোৰ কোনাে পৰিবর্তন নহয়। 


He sleeps— তেওঁ/সি শােৱে 

I work– মই কাম কৰোঁ 

He reads a book— সি এখন কিতাপ পঢ়ে 

You do this work— তুমি এই কামটো কৰা 

The sun rises in the cast– সূৰ্য্য পূর্বপিনে উঠে Earth is round- পৃথিবী গােলাকাৰ 

He takes exercise everyday in the morning— সি/তেওঁ প্রতিদিন পুৱা ব্যায়াম কৰে।

Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

II. Present Continuous Tense 

যেতিয়া verbৰ শেষত ইছো, ইছা, ইছে যুক্ত তাকে তেতিয়া Present Continuous Tense হয়। এই Tense -ত বাক্য গঠনৰ সময়ত verb ৰ শেষত ing যোগ হয়। 1st person singular number -ত verb ৰ আগত am বহে আৰু 3rd person singular number-verbৰ আগত is বহে, বাকী সকলােতে are বহে। 

Sentence Structure : 

Subject + am/is/are + (verb + ing) 

Affirmative হয় বাচক বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

you are doing - তুমি কৰিছা 

you are doing - তােমালােকে কৰিছা। 

Interrogative প্রশ্নবােধক বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

Am। doing?- মই কৰিছাে নে?

Are we doing? - আমি কৰিছাে নে? 

প্রশ্নবােধক বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত am, is আৰু are subject - ৰ আগত বহে।

Negative (নেগেটিভ)- নাহয় বাচক বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

Present Continuous ৰ Negative sentence গঠন কৰাৰ সময় 1st person singular number -ত am not, 3rd person singular number - ত is not আৰু বাকী সকলােতে are not বহে। 


I am going—মই গৈ আছাে I 

We are going—আমি গৈ আছাে 

You are going-তুমি গৈ আছা 

You are going—তােমালােক গৈ আছা। 

He is going—সি গৈ আছে। 

They are going—সিহঁত বা তেঁওলােক গৈ আছে। 

Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

III. Present Perfect Tense 

কোনাে কাম এইমাত্র শেষ হােৱা বুজালে verb ৰ Present Perfect Tense হয়। এই Tense ত verb ৰ আগত has বা have বহে আৰু মূল verb টোৰ past participle হয়। কেবলমাত্র 3rd person singular number ত has বহে, বাকি সকলােতে have বহে। 

Sentence Structure : 

Subject + has/have + verb (Past Participle form) 

Affirmative হয় বাচক বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

He has done - সি কৰিছে। 

They have done - সিহঁতে কৰিছে। 

Interrogative প্রশ্নবােধক বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

Has he done?- সি কৰিছেনে?

Have they done?- সিহঁতে কৰিছেনে? 

Present perfect Tense ৰ Interrogative Sentence গঠন কৰাৰ সময়ত sub- ject ৰ আগত has বা have বহে আৰু মূল verb টোৰ Past participle হয়। 

Negative নহয় বাচক বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

He has not done - সি কৰে নাই

They have not done -সিহঁতে কৰা নাই। 

negative sentence গঠন কৰাৰ সময়ত verb ৰ আগত have not, আৰু কেৱল মাত্র 3rd person singular numberৰ ত has not আৰু মূল verb ৰ past participle হব। 


I have done it—মই এইটো কৰিলাে 

We have done it—আমি এইটো কৰিলাে 

You have done it—তুমি এইটো কৰিলা 

You have done it—তােমালােকে এইটো কৰিলা 

He has done it—সি এইটো কৰিলে 

They have done it—তেঁওলােকে এইটো কৰিলে

Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

IV. Present Perfect Continuous Tense 

অতীতত কোনাে কাম আৰম্ভ হৈছে, কিন্তু এতিয়া পর্যন্ত চলি আছে, শেষ হােৱা নাই, এনে ক্ষেত্ৰত Verb ৰ Present Perfect Continuous Tense হয়। এনে ধৰণৰ বাক্যত Subject ৰ পাছত have been বা has been ব্যৱহাৰ হয়। আৰু প্ৰধান Verb ৰ শেষত ing যােগ হয়। 

Sentence Structure : 

Subject + has/have + been + (verb + ing) 

Affirmative হয় বাক বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

I have been doing - মই কৰি আছাে।

We have been doing. - আমি কৰি আছাে। 

Present Perfect Continuous Tense ৰ Affirmative Sentence গঠন কৰাৰ সময়ত verb ৰ শেষত ing যােগ হয়। কেবল মাত্র 3rd Person singular number - ত verb ৰ শেষ ত has been বহে বাকি সকলােতে have been বহে। 

Interrogative প্রশ্নবােধক বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

Has he been doing? সি (আগৰে পৰা) কৰি আছেনে? 

Have they been doing? সিহঁতে (আগৰে পৰা) কৰি আছে নে ? 

Present Perfect Continuous Tense ৰ Interrogative Sentence গঠন কৰাৰ সময়ত Subject ৰ আগত have আৰু 3rd Person Singular number হলে has been বহে। তাৰ পাছত প্ৰধান verb-ৰ শেষত ing যােগ হয় 

Negative -নহয় বাচক বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

I have not been doing মই (আগৰে পৰা) কৰি থকা নাই। 

We have not been doing আমি কৰি থকা নাই। 

Present Perfect Continuous Tense - Negative sentence sta কৰাৰ সময়ত verb ৰ আগত have not been ব্যৱহাৰ হয়, কিন্তু 3rd Person Singular numberৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত has not been ব্যৱহাৰ হয় আৰু শেষত ing যােগ হয়। 


I have been doing this for two years—দুবছৰ ধৰি মই এইটো কৰিছে। 

He has been living here for a long time-তেঁও বহত দিন ধৰি ইয়াত আছে। 

You have been suffering from cold since Friday last - তুমি যোৱা শুকুৰবাৰৰ পৰা কাহ-পানী লগাত ভুগিছা। 

Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

Past Tense 

Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

I. Past Indefinite Tense

যেতিয়া অতীতত কোনাে কাজ কৰা বুজায় তেতিয়া Past Indefinite tense হয়। ইয়াতে verb টোৰ কেৱল Past tense হয়। 

Sentence Structure : 

Subject + verb (2nd form) 

Affirmative বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

He did - সি কৰিছিল। 

They did - সিহঁতে কৰিছিল। 

Interrogative বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

Did you do?- তুমি কৰিছিলা নে? 

Did you do?- তােমালােকে কৰিছিলা নে? 

Past Indefinite Tense ৰ Interrogative Sentence গঠন কৰাৰ সময়ত Subject ৰ আগত do verb ৰ Past Tense did বহে আৰু মূল verb টো Present tense ত থাকে। 

Negative বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত

I did not do- মই কৰা নাছিলাে। 

We did not do - আমি কৰা নাছিলাে। 

Past Indefinite Tense ৰ Negative Sentence গঠন কৰাৰ সময়ত verb ৰ আগত did not বহিব আৰু মূল verb টো Present Tense ত থাকিব। 


I did it—মই এইটো কৰিছিলাে। 

He gave me a book—তেও মােক এই কিতাপখন দিছিল। 

Ram went home—ৰাম ঘৰলৈ গৈছিল। 

I saw a tiger—মই এটা বাঘ দেখিছিলাে। 

Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

II. Past Continuous Tense 

যেতিয়া অতীতত কোনাে কাম কৰি থকা বুজায় তাকে Past Continuous Tense বােলে। এই tense -ত verb ৰ আগত singular number হলে was আৰু plural number হলে were বহে আৰু মূল verb ৰ শেষত ing যােগ হয়।


Sentence Structure : 

Subject + was/were + (verb + ing) 

Affirmative বাক্যেৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

He was doing - সি কৰি আছিল। 

They were doing- সিহঁতে কৰি আছিল। 

Interrogative বাক্যেৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

Were you doing? - তুমি কৰি আছিলা নে? 

Were you doing?- তােমালােকে কৰি আছিলা নে? 

Past continuous Tense Interrogative Sentence গঠন সময়ত Subject ৰ আগত was বা were বহে আৰু verb ৰ শেষত ing যােগ হয়। 

Negative -বাক্যেৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

I was not doing - মই কৰা নাছিলাে। 

We were not doing - আমি কৰা নাছিলাে। 

Past Continuous Tense বা Negative Sentence গঠনৰ সময়ত Subject ৰ পাছত singular number হলে was not আৰু plural number হলে were not বহে আৰু verb ব শেষত ing যােগ হয়। 


I was reading—মই পঢ়ি আছিলাে 

We were reading আমি পঢ়ি আছিলোঁ

You were reading—তুমি পঢ়ি আছিলা 

You were reading—তােমালোকে পঢ়ি আছিলা 

He was reading- তেওঁ পঢ়ি আছিল

They were reading- তেওঁলোক পঢ়ি আছিল

He was sleeping তেঁও শুইছিল। 

The girls were singing- ছোৱালী বিলাকে গান গাইছিল। 

Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

III. Past Perfect Tense 

অতীতত এই মাত্র কোনাে কাম শেষ হােৱা বুজালে verb ৰ Past perfect tence ৰ ব্যৱহাৰ হয়। এই ক্ষেত্ৰত verb ৰ আগত had বহে আৰু মূল verb টোৰ Past Participle হয় । অতীতত দুটা কাম শেষ হৈছিল বুজালেও এই Tense ৰ ব্যৱহাৰ হয়। তেতিয়া যি কামটো আগতে হৈছে বুজায় তাৰ Past perfect tense হয়। আনটোৰ Past indefinite হব। যেনে The patient had died before Doctor came. ইয়াতে ৰােগীৰ মৃত্যু হােৱাত Past Perfect হৈছে আৰু ডাক্তৰ পাছত আহিছে সেয়ে Past indefinite হৈছে। 

Sentence Structure : 

Subject + had + verb (Past Participle form) 

Affirmative বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

He had done - সি কৰিছিল। 

They had done - সিহঁতে কৰিছিল । 

Interrogative বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

Had you done? - তুমি কৰিছিলা নে? 

Had you done? - তােমালােকে কৰিছিলা নে? 

Past Perfect Tense ৰ Interrogative sentence গঠনৰ সময়ত verb ৰ আগত had বাহে আৰু মূল verb টোৰ Past Participle হয়। 

Negative বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

I had not done - মই কৰা নাছিলো

We had not done - আমি কৰা নাছিলাে। 

Past Perfect Tense - Negative Sentence গঠন কৰিবলৈ হলে verb ব আগত had not বহে আৰু verb টোৰ Past Participle হয়। 


He had left before I came- মই অহাৰ আগতে সি গুচি গৈছিল। 

He had gone away before you came- তুমি অহাৰ আগতে তেঁও গুচি গৈছিল। 

The teacher came after the girl had finished her work- ছােৱালীজনীয়ে তাইৰ কাম শেষ কৰাৰ পিছত তাইৰ শিক্ষক জন আহিল। 

Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

IV. Past Perfect Continuous Tense 

Sentence Structure : 

Subject + had been + (verb + ing) 

Affirmative বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

I had been doing - মই আগৰে পৰা কৰি আছিলো 

We had been doing - আমি আগৰে পৰা কৰি আছিলাে। 

Past perfect Continuous tense ৰ sentence গঠন কৰিবলৈ হলে verb ৰ আগত had been আৰু verb ৰ শেষত ing যােগ হয়। 

Interrogative বাক্যৰ গঠনৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

Had you been doing? - তুমি আগৰে পৰা কৰি আছিলানে? 

Had you been doing? - তােমালােকে আগৰে পৰা কৰি আছিলা নে? 

Past Perfect continuous tense ৰ Interrogative sentence গঠন কৰাৰ সময়ত Subject ৰ আগত had been আৰু ক্রিয়া পদৰ শেষত ing যােগ হয়। 

Negative বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

He had been not doing - সি আগৰে পৰা থকা নাছিল? 

They had been not doing - সিহঁতে আগৰে পৰা কৰি থকা নাছিল? 

Past perfect Continuous tense ৰ Negative Sentence গঠনৰ সময়ত verb -ৰ আগত had been not বা had not been ব্যৱহাৰ হয় আৰু verb-ৰ শেষত ing যােগ হয়। 


I had been suffering from fever before I came here—মই ইয়ালৈ অহাৰ আগতে জ্বৰত ভুগিছিলাে। 

They had been singing before we went there—আমি তালৈ যােৱাৰ আগতে সিহঁতে গান গাই আছিল। 

Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

Future Tense 

Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

I. Future Indefinite Tense 

যেতিয়া কোনাে ক্রিয়া পদে ভৱিষতে কোনাে কাম কৰা বুজায় তেতিয়া Future Indefinite Tense হয়। এই Tense- ত verb ৰ আগত 1st Person-ত shall আৰু আন সকলােতে will বহে আৰু মূল verb টো অপৰিবৰ্তিত হৈ থাকে। 

Sentence Structure : 

Subject + shall/will + verb (1st form) 

Affirmative বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

He will do - সি কৰিব। 

They will do সিহঁতে কৰিব। 

Interrogative বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

Will you do? - তুমি কৰিবানে? 

Will you do?- তোমালােকে কৰিবানে? 

Future Indefinite Tense ৰ Interrogative Sentence গঠন কৰিবলৈ হলে shall বা wil, verb ৰ আগত বহিব আৰু মূল verb টো অপৰিবর্তিত থাকিব। 

Negative বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

I shall not do - মই নকৰাে। 

We shall not do - আমি নকৰাে।

Future Indefinite tense - Negative Sentence গঠন কৰিবলৈ হলে, Verb ৰ আগত 1st person - ত shall not আৰু বাকি সকলােতে will not বহিব। মূল verb টো অপৰিবর্তিত থাকিব। 


I shall do it. 

He will go home. 

I shall go—মই যাম 

We shall go—আমি যাম 

You will go- তুমি যাবা 

They will go-তেঁওলােক যাব 

He will come—সি আহিব 

We shall sing—আমি গান গাম 

Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

II. Future Continuous Tense 

Sentence Structure : 

Subject + shall/will + be + (verb + ing) 

Affirmative - বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

He will be doing - সি কৰি থাকিব। 

They will be doing - সিহঁতে কৰি থাকিব। 

Future Continuous Tense - ত ক্রিয়া পদে ভৱিষ্যতে কোনাে এটা কাম কৰি থকা বুজায়। এই Tense-ৰ sentence গঠন কৰাৰ সময়ত verb-ৰ আগত 1st Person ত shall be আৰু আন সকলােতে will be বহিব আৰু মূল verb ৰ শেষত ing যােগ হব। 

Interrogative - বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

Will you be doing? - তুমি কৰি থাকিবা নে? 

Will You be doing? - তােমালােকে কৰি থাকিবা নে? 

Future Continuous Tense -ৰ Interrogative Sentence গঠন কৰিবলৈ হলে subject ৰ আগত shall be আৰু মূল verb-ৰ শেষত ing যােগ হব। 1st person-ত shall be আৰু আন সকলােতে will be বহিব। 

Negative - বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

I shall not be doing - মই কৰি না থাকিম। 

We shall not be doing - আমি কৰি না থাকিম। 

Future continuous Tense - ৰ Negative Sentence গঠন কৰিবলৈ হলে Subject-ৰ পাছত shall not be বা will not be বহিব আৰু মূল verb-ৰ শেষত ing যােগ হব। 


I shall be going there--মই তালৈ গৈ থাকিম 

He will be doing it—তেঁও এইটো কৰি থাকিব 

We shall be going there—আমি তালৈ গৈ থাকিম 

Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

III. Future Perfect tense 

Sentence Structure : 

Subject + shall/will + have + verb (past participle form) 

Affirmative - বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

He will have done - সি কৰি থাকিব। 

They will have done - সিহঁতে কৰি থাকিব। 

যেতিয়া ভবিষ্যতে কোনাে কাম এই মাত্র শেষ হােৱা বুজায় তেতিয়া Future perfect tense হয়। এই tense ত Subject ৰ লগত shall have বা will have হব আৰু মূল verb টোৰ past participle হব।

Interrogative -বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

will you have done?- তুমি কৰি থাকিবানে? 

Will you have done?- তােমলােকে কৰি থাকিবা নে? 

Future Perfect tense - Interrogative Sentence গঠনৰ সময়ত Sub, ject-ৰ আগত shall have বা will have হব আৰু মূল verb টোৰ Past Part ciple হব। 

Negative - বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

I shall have not done - মই কৰি না থাকিম। 

We shall have not done - আমি কৰি না থাকিম। 

Future Perfect tense-ৰ Negative Sentence গঠন কৰাৰ সময়ত verb ৰ আগত shall have not বা will have not হব আৰু মূল verb Past Participle হব। 


I shall have done this before you come—তুমি অহাৰ আগতেই মই কামটো কৰিম। 

They will have finished the work before you reach- তুমি গৈ পােৱাৰ আগতেই তেওঁলােকে কামটো শেষ কৰিব।

Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

IV. Future Perfect Continuous Tense 

Sentence Structure : 

Subject + shall/will + have been + (verb+ing) 

Affirmative - বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

He will have been doing - সি কৰি আহি থাকিব। They will have been doing - সিহঁতে কৰি আহি থাকিব। 

Future Perfect Continuous Tense - এ কোনো কাম কিছুদিন ধৰি চলি থাকিব বুজায়। এই Tense-ত verb-ৰ আগত shall have been, বা will have been বহিব আৰু মূল verb ৰ শেষত ing যােগ হব। 

Interrogative বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

Will you have been doing? - তুমি কৰি আহি থাকিবানে? 

Will you have been doing? - তােমালােকে কৰি আহি থাকিবানে? 

এই Tense - interrogative Sentence গঠনৰ সময়ত Subject ৰ আগত shall বা will আৰু পাছত have been বা has been বহিব আৰু মূল verb ৰ শেষত ing যােগ হব। 

Negative বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত 

I shall have been not doing - মই কৰি আহি না থাকো।

We shall have been not doing - আমি কৰি আহি না থাকো। 

এই Tense ৰ Negative Sentence গঠনৰ সময়ত subject ৰ পাছত shall have been not বা will have been not বহিব আৰু মূল verb-ৰ শেষত ing যােগ হব।

Tense কাক বোলে? Tense কেইপ্ৰকাৰৰ আৰু কি কি? English grammar in Assamese- Tense in Assamese- Present Tense- Past Tense- Future Tense- present indefinite or simple present Tense- Present Continuous Tense- Present Perfect Tense- Present Perfect Continuous Tense- Past indefinite or Simple Past Tense- Past Continuous Tense- Past Perfect Tense- Past Perfect Continuous Tense- Future Indefinite or simple Future Tense- Future Continuous Tense- Future Perfect Tense- Future Perfect Continuous Tense- English Grammar Tense in Assamese Pdf- Notes- SEBA Board AHSEC Board- Class 10 Tense- Class 12 Tense
Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

EXERCISE- Practice the following- Tense (কাল) in Assamese

Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

Present Indefinite Tense: 

He (go) to school. 

I (like) the flower. 

He (play) with his brother. 

We (live) in this house. 

His father (teach) us English. 

They (sing) song everyday in the morning. Tigers (like) meat ; The dog (bark) at night. Twelve months (make) a year. 

The earth (move) round the sun. 

Your brother (come) to me quite often. 

The car (run) fast. 

Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

Present Continuous/Progressive Tense: 

The boys (play) in the park. 

I (write) a letter. 

The dogs (bark). 

You (read) a newspaper. 

The children (run) in the field. 

They (throw) stones in the pond. 

We (go) to school. 

Your brother (wear) a red shirt. 

The children (draw) pictures on the board. She (wash) her clothes. 

You and I (swim) in the tank. 

The monkeys (jump) from one branch to another. 

His friends (walking) slowly. 

Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

Present Perfect Tense: 

I (write) a letter.

He (come) here just now.

They (go) there.

You (draw) a sketch on the paper.

The boy (cut) his finger.

We (eat) our food.

Ramen (call) me.

I (buy) five books.

Father (sell) the house. 

The children (break) the toy.

Our friend (find) the bag in the street. 

I (keep) it on the shelf. 

Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

Present Perfect Continuous Tense: 

I (read) in this school for the last six years. 

It (rain) for one week.

The two countries (fight) for the last two years.

He (teach) in this school for the last ten years.

I (wait) for you since 11 o'clock in the morning. 

My brother (suffer) from fever since Monday last. 

We (live) in this town for fifteen years.

The labourers (do) this work since Saturday last.

Rita (learn) Mathematics for two hours. 

Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

Past Indefinite Tense:

He (break) the glass bottle.

They (hear) the sound of a cracker.

You (hit) me on the head.

We (spend) one hundred rupees to buy the gift.

I (read) the book many times.

The girl (sing) a nice song.

I (send) a letter to my brother.

The teacher (teach) us Geography.

The boys (fight) amongst themselves.

Mother (tell) me a story yesterday. 

The girl (feed) the dog.

He (ask) me a question. 

Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

Past Continuous Tense:

She (read) a book.

The child (cry) for food.

He (laugh) when he heard the story.

The birds (fly) in the sky.

The boys (run) in the field.

We (stand) on the bank of the river

I (buy) vegetables in the market.

The teacher (teach) in the class.

They (catch) fish in the river.

My friend (throw) stones at the dog.

You (wait) for me in the park.

Mita and Sumita (make) a doll. 

Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

Past Perfect Tense: 

I (go) there before you went.

He wrote the letter after he (come).

The firebrigade (come) before the fire spread.

The train (start) before we reached the station.

The doctor came after the patient (die).

The boys (leave) the school before the clock struck four.

I heard that he (win) the prize.

Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

Future Indefinite Tense:

They (come) here tomorrow.

You (do) it.

The teacher (punish) him. 

We promise that we (help) you.

He (speak) the truth.

My brother (write) a letter, 

I (lend) you some money.

We (read) the book.

They (win) the match definitely.

You (wait) for me. 

Complete the following sentences- verbs given in brackets : Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

1. A dog and a donkey (go) together on a long journey. After they (travel) for some time they (feel) very hungry, and the ass (begin) to eat the grass that (grow) by the road side. 

2. The first thing that men (learn), as soon as they (begin) to study nature (is) that some events (take) place in regular order and some causes always (give) rise to the same effects. 

3. We (expect) him here yesterday. He (not come) till today. No one (know) what (happen) to him. Perhaps he (reach) here tomorrow. You (see) him then.

4. One day, a young lad named Narcissus (hunt) in the forest and (come) to one of the pools shining in the sunlight. Being hot and thirsty, he (stop) to (drink), and as he (bend) over the smooth water, he (see) in it his own forms, as in a looking glass. Full of wonder, he (fell) in love with his image which he (not see) before. 

5. One wintry night an old infirm beggar, shivering with cold, (knock) at the door of a farmer who (sit) with his children around his hearth. In a feeble voice he (beg) for shelter and hospitality. His feet (tremble) and he (cannot drag) his weary body. 

6. A group of officials (go) to Europe next week. They (attend) a conference in Hamburg. They then (visit) a number of other countries to enquire about trade prospects. They (take) a few assistants with them. So I (go) with my officer. I am sure I (have) a very nice time there. You (write) to me regulary, won't you? 

7. In 1928, while studying Penicillium Sir Alexander Fleming (find) that the mould (kill) some germs he (try) to grow in his laboratory. If he (not notice) this, the world (lose) one of the greatest discoveries of the century. Fleming (realise) that the mould (secrete) something which (kill) the germs. 

8. A very old lion (become) too weak to hunt for his food. But he (grow) very cunning. He (lie) inside his den and (moan) and (groan) pretending to be nearly dead. Now, when they (hear) of his illness, some of the other animals (be) very sorry for him and (come) to visit him. 

Choose the correct verb form- Tense (কাল) in Assamese- English Grammar

1. A strong wind (blew, is blowing,has been blowing) since last night. 

2. I shall tell him about the incident when he (will ring, rings, is ringing) me. 

3. I - (have received, had received, received) your letter yesterday. 

4. She (has left, left, had left) this place fifteen minutes ago. 

5. The accident (occurred, has occurred, occurs) at 10-30 this morning.

6. The carpenter (is working, has been working, worked) for the last three hours. 

7. The Ganga (flows, is flowing, has been flowing) between the two cities, Calcutta and Howrah. 

8. We (did not see, have not seen, had not seen) him for a month. 

9. He - (is visiting, visits) the temple everyday. 

10. We - (lived, have been living) here since 1948.

11. I (have not written, did not write, shall not be writing) the letter till today. 

12. I - (did not see, have not seen, do not see) him since we (have left, left) college.

13. They (have met met, were meeting) him last week. 

14. Ever since my brother - (went, was going, has gone) to that school he - (made, has made) good progress. 

15. I (am seeing, see, have been seeing) a beautiful sight. 

16. He (showed, has shown, had shown) me the picture just now. 

17. He (meets, is meeting) me regularly at my chamber. 

18. Mr. Bora had left the office before (had reached, reached, were reaching) there. 

19. I (am working, have been working, work) on this project for the last two years. 

20. We - (have left, had left, left) the hall when they came, had come, have come). 

21. I do not think he - (attended, has attended, had attended) the meeting yesterday. 

22. We shall come if you (think, thought) it necessary. 

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